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Category: Enterprise Architecture

Managing IT complexity through simplicity

Managing IT complexity through simplicity

I’ve always been obsessed with the details. Whether it’s coding, cycling or carpentry, the detail is where my mind wanders first.

I see this as a sort of superpower, as the detail is complex, and has many moving parts. Making sense of the overwhelming noise the detail creates is where even the brave fear to tread.

But over time I have come to gain another perspective. Painting the big picture is the purest form of technological art.

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Building software ecosystems that put your customers first

Building software ecosystems that put your customers first

Simplify Your Software Development: A Smart Approach to Building Flexible Ecosystems that Prioritize Customer Experience.

Traditionally all the approaches come at a significant investment of time, money and skill, and are always focused on reducing complexity, often at the cost of customer experience and flexibility. At the same time, internal as well as external change is constant and inevitable within every organisation. So how do you build software ecosystems that remain core to what the business needs and at the same time add value for the customers when everything is constantly changing? You do it the smart way, integration via abstraction.

Sample abstraction of a multi-system integration done in a modern way

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