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Category: NGINX

Boosting Availability and Performance: How to Load Balance a Node API Gateway with Docker

Boosting Availability and Performance: How to Load Balance a Node API Gateway with Docker

Load balancing is an important technique for scaling web applications and ensuring their reliability and availability. In a microservices architecture, a common pattern is to use an API gateway to route incoming requests to the appropriate service instances. However, as the traffic grows, a single API gateway instance may become a bottleneck and a single point of failure. To avoid these issues, we can use multiple API gateway instances and distribute the traffic among them using a load balancer.

In this post, we’ll explore how to set up a load-balanced API gateway using Node.js and Docker. We’ll use Docker Compose to define multiple instances of the API gateway and a load balancer, and we’ll configure the load balancer to distribute the traffic among the instances using a round-robin algorithm.

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FreeRADIUS high availability Made possible with NGINX Load Balancing

FreeRADIUS high availability Made possible with NGINX Load Balancing

FreeRADIUS is a popular open-source RADIUS server that provides centralized AAA (authentication, authorization and accounting) services for network access. It can handle a large number of concurrent sessions and can be used for various purposes, including wireless network authentication and VPN access.

In my previous post, I talked about how to build a high-performance and high-availability radius cluster. Using NGINX for load balancing is core to that design.

Load balancing is a crucial aspect of any network infrastructure, and it is even more critical when it comes to authentication and authorization systems like FreeRADIUS, where unavailability can result in the inability to connect to key networks or systems. Load balancing helps distribute the workload across multiple servers, improving performance and ensuring high availability.

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