Joomla Web Design training comes to the Garden Route

Joomla Web Design training comes to the Garden Route

Office Reliance is hosting the Garden Route’s first Joomla web design course. The course will run from 2 to 4 December at the Reliance training center.

“Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.”

The course is split into three separate parts, on consecutive days.  This allows participants to pick the days that are suited to there particular skill level.

Day 1 – Introduction to Joomla

  • What is a Content Management System (CMS)
  • What is Joomla & the LAMP building blocks
  • The front-end and back-end
  • Template overview
  • Modules & components
  • Module positions
  • Sections & categories
  • Editing and adding Joomla content
  • Using the Image library
Day 2 – Installing, building & maintaining a Joomla site

  • Installing Joomla
  • MySQL and PhpMyAdmin overview
  • Administrator’s panel
  • Changing templates
  • Adding modules and components
  • Working with sections & categories
  • Managing menus
  • Managing banners & ads
  • Google SEO for Joomla
Day 3 – Joomla Advanced

  • Securing your Joomla site
  • Creating your own modules
  • Modules inside content pages
  • Content pages inside modules
  • Custom forms
  • Using external feeds
  • Creating rss feeds
  • Joomla database overview
  • Must have Joomla add-ons
  • Tips & tricks

Training is performed hands on, using the Office Reliance training centre’s laptops and interactive whiteboards.During the three day course you will create your own fully functional Joomla website.

Course fees includes hot lunch, printed training materials as well as a CD containing all the software used during the training course.

Cost is R 750 for day 1, R 1,150 for day 2 and R 1,450 for day 3; or R 3,000 for all three days, inclusive of VAT.

Limited spaces available, so early booking & payment secures a space.

Call 044 802 0400 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to book.

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